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Bonni Ross will be teaching in Perth from the 26th Aug to 6th September.

Bonnie is to give a series of public classes followed by a workshop and retreat further exploring the theme.


BONNI ROSS has been teaching Dharma since 1978.  She combines 30 years of study and practice in the Zen, Theravadin and Vajrayana traditions of Buddhism with motherhood, experience in holistic therapies and Western Mysteries and a 16-year career as a communications and strategic planning consultant to business and government.

She has served as Resident Teacher at The Dharma Centre of Canada in Kinmount, Ontario and teaches in Canada, California, Australia and New Zealand. Bonni¹s classes explore both the philosophical and theoretic foundations of the teaching of awakening, as well as providing practical and pleasurable methods for increasing awareness, kindness and wisdom in daily life.  She also guides individuals interested in focused meditation and leads retreats for depth unfoldment.



The City Talks explore topics that relate to the impermanence and changing nature of our being.  Change is inherent in all aspects of ourselves,  surroundings, relationships, community and ultimately the existence we experience through our humanity.  

The talks aim to foster a curiosity with a view to deepen the exploration in the workshop to follow, “Death and Impermanence”.  Rather than a negative  unpleasant contemplation, the exploration of impermanence and change can free one from the suffering of unrequited dreams and make one available to experience the wonder and joy of the dance of life.

Shariputra, form is emptiness, emptiness is form. Form is not other than emptiness. Emptiness is not other than form. The same is true of feelings, perceptions, formations, and consciousness.”   From “The Heart Sutra.”



The BodhisatTvas Path  (A Curious Journey)

Tuesday,  26th AUGUST


Exploring with curiosity the interconnections and impermanence of the habits and neuroses of a lifetime with compassion, interest and joy for the sake of yourself and others. 


What is the reality of “death” ?

Wednesday,  27th AUGUST


Is death another concept, or a place on the path as body and mind travel on a journey towards Nirvana?  The fear of the loss of body and mind is the "little death" that holds us back from the ultimate expression of our potential.  Exploring the very nature of change and impermanence allows us the freedom to surpass our clinging to a dreamlike existence.




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“Death and Impermanence”

(August 29, 30 and 31):


FRIDAY, 29th 7:30 PM TO 9:30 PM
9 AM TO 4 PM
SUNDAY, 31st
9 AM TO 4 PM

If enlightenment is not attained during this short time while the sand castle body and the small child's mind are together, although one lists one hundred things learned and understood, this will not help in getting free from the ocean of samsara. Remaining lazy while one has perfect freedom, One will agonize with regret when the unavoidable Lord of Death arrives.  Staging one's own disaster like a madman drinking poison -Thus the bardo of this life is manifest.

Tsele Natsok Rangdol in The Mirror of Mindfulness; Shambhala, 1987


We were born; some time, we know not when, we will die.  All traditions of Buddhadharma ask practitioners to contemplate impermanence and death. It is easy to accept these facts as ideas, and very hard to process the strong emotions that arise when the reality of our own death faces us.


This workshop provides a structured opportunity to explore these feelings through a variety of meditations on death, group process, drawing and movement exercises, personal contemplation and craft work. Death ceases to be the unknown, feared enemy and emerges as a powerful ally which can strengthen our aspiration to awaken and provide an energetic antidote to lethargy and procrastination.

Learning to calmly accept arising and passing away increases our sense of the preciousness of each moment and helps us to look more clearly and fully, without denial or fantasy, at the wondrous reality of life/death.




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(The Paramis, The Path of the Great Bodhisattvas).

(2 6th  Sept )


The Mahayana (Great Vehicle) teachings shift emphasis from enlightenment for the individual to altruistic aspiration for the liberation of all sentient beings. Building on the cooling and stabilizing effect of the practices of non-harming (eliminating the negative), practitioners begin to accentuate the positive qualities of generosity, morality, patience, energy, concentration and wisdom.  We'll explore this great work alluding to the examples of the great Bodhisattvas -- Sakyamuni ( in his lives before Buddhahood), Avalokitesvara, Manjusri, Samantabadhra, Maitreya and Vimalakirti.



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If you wish to express your interest by booking and being kept informed about workshops or retreats with Bonnie, please contact Greg Winn, 

or Telephone (08-9470 4774).



Fees are to be announced shortly  

Talks, Workshops and Retreats will be costed to cover all expenses in bringing Bonni to Perth.

Donations in the form of  dana  will go directly to Bonni to support her in her role as teacher.



City Talks

Venue to be announced



Venue to be announced


Retreat Accommodation

The retreat is to be held at
The Origins Retreat Centre. 

The centre has been reserved for this work.

To make an accommodation booking at the Centre,

please ring (08) 97 641 109.


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A Note About Dana

Dana is often taken to simply mean donation or gift. Dana is a Buddhist teaching about generosity of spirit or the sharing of blessings, the aspiration to generate health and goodwill in all the cycles of giving and receiving; the transactions of daily life. It is a practice that fosters the understanding of the interdependence of social, material and environmental forms of wealth and. reflects the value you place on the teaching, the joy of giving and what is realistic for you.

Each participant arrives at the amount voluntarily. Teachers of the Dharma are supported by considerate donation. Following Buddhist tradition, Bonni charges no fee for teaching, therefore Dana is Bonni's sole income from teaching. You can place your donation in the dana bowl near the entrance. You may also give it to Bonni directly . It is customary to offer dana at the beginning of the class. Giving prior to the teaching supports the experience of openness and generosity.


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